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     Marcel still has time to serve, but it appears to be drawing to a close. When Mimi first visited him, he found out that he only had three weeks remaining before his sentence was complete. They were a very long three weeks indeed.  Marcel thought that in some ways, it would be much easier just not knowing when he was to be released.

The days were very long now. He had so much time to simply ponder things. Of course that was the goal of rehabilitation. And he had already pondered things for months, but still there was really nothing else to do, so ponder he did.

He started to plan for the future. First he would get a job.  Any job. He didn’t really care what it was, as long as he had a job. He was supposed to be able to stay at the half way house for awhile, so that would help, since he didn’t really have anywhere else to stay. Most importantly though, he would never let anything like this happen again. Mimi means the world to him and he knew she deserved better.

Mimi came to visit two more times during his last three weeks in jail. They were much shorter visits, but gave them the time they needed to really make up and rekindle what they had previously lost.

The very last visit was held in the outdoor recreation area. It was a beautiful day. The breeze was pleasant and caused Mimi’s hair to blow back and forth in a kind of happy, flirty way. The sun was warm on their backs, but not too warm, it was just right. Mimi’s eyes were alive and looked as if she were constantly smiling. Everything was going great. Finally, Marcel could feel that everything will be okay. Marcel and Mimi were again together. Well, as together as you could be when your boyfriend is in prison anyway, thought Mimi.

Marcel just couldn’t get over how Mimi seemed to have a special glow about her. Every time he looked at her, he saw something deeper than he was used to seeing. He just couldn’t put his finger on what was different.

Both Marcel and Mimi felt a change in the air. Maybe it was their broken hearts mending. Maybe it was simply that the weather was warm and nice now; not cold and dark like when they first got themselves into this. Whatever it was, they both could feel it. And they very much both liked what they were feeling.

Marcel’s worst fear, of loosing Mimi, was over. She had waited for him. He thought back and kind of chuckled. It was a sort of nervous sounding cackle. That very question had ended their relationship only months before. Now he felt secure and sure of their relationship and no longer wanted to think about those dark days. He rapidly put that memory out of his mind and again found himself simply gazing into Mimi’s warm serene eyes.

It’s almost over… at last.
The Adventures Of Marcel And Mimi Mime

Chapter 9:

Making Up