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     It was the night before his release. Marcel couldn’t sleep. He kept tossing and turning, just trying to find a comfortable position.  All he could think about was going home.

Mimi had the same problem. There was just no way she was going to get to sleep.  Both of them, in there separate worlds, were lying in their beds in quiet anticipation.

Marcel found his emotions going way up, then coming way down. It was like riding a rollercoaster, or surfing a giant wave.  Over and over in his mind, Marcel relived the last six to eight months of his life. 

All that had happened seemed like a big injustice that life had dealt him. Both Marcel and Mimi knew that he would never be the same. But that was a good thing and they both knew that as well.

Marcel would step up and take charge of his life. And if Mimi would join him, he would show her that he could be the man that she wanted him to be. In Mimi, Marcel saw more than a friend. Mimi was Marcel’s soulmate.

n life, there are friends that you make and there are friends that you keep. This of course implies that many of the friends that one make throughout one’s lifetime, drift away. And that’s okay. But the ones that you keep, well that’s much more than okay. That’s what a soulmate is.

The next day did finally come and Marcel was greeted by Mimi when he left the prison. Together they rode the bus back to Mimi’s apartment.

Marcel never needed to live at the halfway house. Mimi would never permit it. Her big fluffy white comforter was big enough for both of them.

In the weeks ahead, their future began to unfold. Marcel did get his job. They both put food as a top priority in their lives. Both Marcel and Mimi loved to dine out at restaurants and since they now had enough money, that’s often just what they did. For some reason, they both loved French cuisine best, but in the end they would eat anything because they just loved to eat.

Maybe not so strangely, both Marcel and Mimi found themselves gaining a few pounds here and there. The clothes got a bit tight and they seemed to be updating their wardrobes more frequently than ever before in their lives. All of that dining out might be catching up to them. But they didn’t care much. They were free to do whatever they wanted to.

Marcel still had time to ponder occasionally. Only now, Marcel’s pondering revolved around his freedom instead of his captivity.  Marcel decided that freedom is all one really needs and freedom is all that we seek. And love, we seek love too!

To be continued with the release of: Mimes On Rollercoasters 3
The Adventures Of Marcel And Mimi Mime

Chapter 10:

Coming Home (Freedom)