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     Mimi was so grateful to her mom for allowing her to live with her for the past few months. They had grown to know each other like no other time in their lives. In fact, they had even become fairly good friends. Mimi decided that her mom had softened with age and was finely treating her as an adult. Her mom on the other hand realized that Mimi had finally grown up and was behaving like an adult. With mutual respect, they were able to live together in peace and harmony.

She’d been living with her mom now for about five months and she’d been fortunate enough to be working nearly the entire time. She was giddy with excitement, because she had just signed a lease for her own apartment. Yes, Mimi really has grown up, thought her mother. This time, she’s moving out on her own, with her mother’s blessing, rather than being kicked out with her mother cursing!

And to top it off, Mimi had met a nice quiet boy at work that she was considering for a potential date. She wasn’t sure though, because even though he was very good looking and quiet, well he was maybe too quiet she thought. But since Mimi was really still a mime at heart, she kind of liked “quiet” as a trait and was somehow fascinated by him. 

Well there wasn’t time to ponder that now; she had to get ready to move! She had only one week to get everything, which actually wasn’t very much, packed and ready to take to her new apartment. It’s funny how you can accumulate so many things in such a short time.

The week flew by and Mimi, true to her organized little self, was packed and ready to move. She had managed to get packed, work eight-hour days and still have some time a couple evenings to shop for some things that she would need in her new apartment. She bought some dishes, a skillet and a saucepan, some tableware, a nice set of drinking glasses and some towels with matching dishcloths for her kitchen. Since the apartment was considered furnished, she was fortunate not to have to buy anything too large or she wouldn’t have been able to move it.

For her bedroom, Mimi bought the most-fluffy white comforter she could find, with several various-sized pillows to stack up at the head of the bed each morning after she makes it. She always liked that look and now she could actually afford to have it. She was so happy!

The bathroom even had to be personalized. So she bought a matching shower curtain and towel set. The towels were very special as they had her initials on them. Each one had a big fancy “M” on it. The soap dispenser and toothbrush holder also had to match the cup holder. Everything was just perfect.

She spent the weekend with some help from her mom, getting all moved in. Her mom’s van came in very handy since Mimi still didn’t have a car of her own. She figured that she would just stick with public transportation and an occasional ride share for now. After all, how could she hope to buy a car when she was only just now moving into an apartment?

The days passed and Mimi grew accustomed to living on her own again. She had even started to accumulate some houseplants. The first of which her mom bought her as a house-warming gift. Mimi kept mostly to herself and was happy to again start her morning ritual of watering her plants.  It reminded her of old times and it felt good. She really loved the simple life.

The "quiet boy" at her job was also beginning to occupy her thoughts. Only not in a good way. She recently began to notice that he would look at her in an odd and kind of scary way. Sometimes she would sense that there was someone watching her while she worked, and look up to find that it was him! She never would hear him approach her; he would just… be there.  It was very unsettling.

Occasionally, Mimi would think about Marcel. Time had a way of erasing the hurt and pain that he had caused and she began to only remember the best moments. She knew that there were painful moments too, but they somehow were fuzzy and hard to put her finger on. Marcel was a good chap and she was starting to really miss him.

If she recalled right, Marcel’s sentence would be finished in just a about a month. She hadn’t spoken with him since that fateful day in the courtroom. She wondered if he would ever speak to her again... if the opportunity ever came up?

As the weeks went by, Mimi was growing more and more concerned with Robert. Robert is the name of the "quiet boy" at work. She is pretty sure now that he’s full on stalking her!  In fact, she’s beginning to feel unsafe around him. He always has that creepy look when she sees him and he’s so unnaturally quiet. It’s almost as if he’s living in some fantasy world and I’m the main attraction, Mimi shuddered.

Yesterday, Mimi came home to again find several messages on her telephone answering machine. As usual, they were all hang-ups. All of a sudden, it dawned on her, it’s Robert!  He’s calling to hear my voice, then he’s just hanging up!  Now she was worried. How did he even get my number?  This is too creepy and it’s got to stop!

Mimi decided that she would confront him at work later this morning and tell him that he’s not her type and has to leave her alone. Later in the morning Mimi again caught Robert staring at her. She approached him and said, I know that you’ve been watching me. I also know that you’ve been calling my house. You have to stop. You’re not my type.  This was a very bold move for Mimi, but she felt that it was the right approach. In her mind, a stalker was like a bully. And the best way to handle a bully, is to punch them in the nose... figuratively of course.

Robert was shocked! He was not expecting such strength from his victim. He had been banking on her vulnerabilities and this was simply not expected. Since he was exposed, he couldn’t possibly pursue her now. Very red in the face, Robert scurried off down the hall.

That was the last time Mimi saw Robert. The next day he wasn’t at work and never did he return. Now Mimi REALLY missed Marcel.  It was time to visit him!
The Adventures Of Marcel And Mimi Mime

Chapter 7:

The Creepy Stalking Of Mimi Mime