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     Mimi was both hurt and outraged by Marcel’s question.  Marcel was taken aback at her reaction as he was not even fully aware of what he had said. Then he realized. He had just hurt the one he loved most!

Although he was not sure how he had hurt her, he could see it in her obvious rage. Marcel started back-pedaling and trying to convince Mimi that he didn’t mean it like it came out. He just wanted to know if she would wait for him while he did his time in prison. But Mimi was so angry that she wasn’t listening to him anymore. After all how could he think this way? She had given him all of her love and stood by him when he lost his job. She had taken care of him and let him live with her when he lost his home. Then she had given him all of her savings to live on until she had finally lost her home and everything she had, just trying to take care of him!

Have I not stayed with you this long? she exclaimed! I came all the way down here because I love you! And you question whether I’ll wait for you to serve your time? Well that’s it! she exclaimed. But Mimi, Marcel interrupted. Go Marcel, go! she said with disgust. But Mimi… Marcel persisted.
Leave! Mimi insisted. But… but… Marcel stuttered. Just go. Mimi cried. 

As Marcel was escorted out he yelled, I’m going my own way now, have a good life!  Mimi cried. And she continued to sit there and cry, long after Marcel was gone.

Well that was that. Mimi and Marcel were no longer together. It was over. The once beautiful love had abruptly ended! Mimi picked her listless-self up and headed to the bus stop. She was going home.

Marcel had been back in his cell for an hour or so and had thought about the conversation… a lot!  Mulling it over and over in his head. He wondered, how could he be so stupid?  Of course, on the other hand, why did she over-react so much? He just asked a simple question. He only wanted to be sure that she would wait for him. He figured that sometimes it’s not the question that gets you into trouble, but the way that you ask it. He guessed that this was one of those times. Sighing, Marcel lay back on his cot and resigned himself to six more months of behind bars.

Marcel soon realized that he was going to be very lonely through the months ahead. Very lonely indeed.
The Adventures Of Marcel And Mimi Mime

Chapter 4:

Breaking Up